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UK Education News

Please see below UK Education news feeds pulled from the independent, Guardian and Telegraph:

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Find a carer, like you would a date

Matching disabled people with compatible carers...More... ...
Hits: 641

Age-appropriate sex education call

More than a third of schools in England are not giving pupils age-appropriate sex and relationships education, leaving children vulnerable to sexual exploitation, the schools watchdog Ofsted warns....More... ...
Hits: 656

Bullied children using 'wrong jokes'

Children who use self-deprecating humour among their peers are more likely to be bullied, researchers say....More... ...
Hits: 637

Renting families 'need stability'

Tenancy contracts in England must be improved to give children more stable homes and avoid disruption to their education, the housing charity Shelter says....More... ...
Hits: 687

Jimmy Wales: 'Dull lectures doomed'

Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales predicts the death of student boredom...More... ...
Hits: 642

Rapid rise in global family disputes

The number of cross-border family legal disputes referred to a UK judge who offers global assistance in such cases is rising sharply....More... ...
Hits: 623

Is 'gap yah' volunteering a bad thing?

Why do Western kids go to Africa to build schools?...More... ...
Hits: 683

New partnership provides free eReaders for schools most in need

Primary school pupils struggling to read will be given a boost by a new partnership which will bring 1,000 free eReaders into schools.    ...More... ...
Hits: 662

Number of headteachers earning six-figure salaries soars

The number of headteachers earning six-figure salaries has soared in the past year, according to official figures released today.    ...More... ...
Hits: 660

Rising numbers of state school headteachers paid £100,000 salaries

The number of headteachers earning six-figure salaries has soared in the past year, according to official figures released today.    ...More... ...
Hits: 4621

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