
2010, Bahrain

YearHost CountryVenueDate FromDate To
2010 Bahrain The Diplomat Radisson SAS 2 February 6 February
Name Mr. Andy Vass

Andy will draw on his experience in behaviour management, coaching and personal development to show you how to get the best out of your students and your colleagues by the things you say, the things you do and the way you say and do them.

Name Mr. Will Ryan

Inside Out Leadership is quite simple really. Will urges all school leaders to:

  1. examine the 'moral purpose' that took them into the profession in the first place
  2. then consider the unique needs of the community
  3. then use their hearts, souls and minds to create a truly personalised and superb learning community
  4. and inspire inspirational teachers who will create inspirational children in the process

In this session Will will show you how.

Name Mr. David Hodgson

A group of psychologists have been looking at what has the greatest positive impact on performance from the following: Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, Habits. Their research suggests that organisations generally concentrate their efforts on knowledge and skills when it is attitude and habits that have a greater long-term impact on performance.

Although these last two are more difficult to influence they make the difference. David's plenary will provide practical examples of ways in which we can influence attitudes and habits.

Name Mr. David George

Who are the gifted and talented and why bother with them, after all, surely 'good will out'?

David will present a rationale for doing more for these exceptional children to avoid any child squandering their talents, looking at key aspects such as how to identify them in the busy life of a teacher (and not just by narrow tests and teacher nomination but more holistically through creativity tests, check lists and questionnaires), teaching them about their amazing brain as a great motivator and how they learn best and how to provide for them through such activities as enrichment, extension, teaching thinking skills and by differentiating curriculum.

He will also look at the importantance of the affective curriculum and raising self esteem in a culture of achievement.

Name Sir John Jones

Making Schools Better Places for Eveyone. The future is not what it was-change is mandatory, but growth is optional. When water thinking has to replace rock thinking.

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